Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and Anna Ohio

Over the course of my life, I've learned to recognize the feeling of experiencing something at the ground level. That notion that comes through as "I'm with this at the moments before takeoff" - the ground swelling before an eruption. That's the feeling I got the first time I heard Vita and the Woolf, notably the song "Brett" off her debut album Tunnels. There is a power and assurance in her voice that sounds undeniably as though she's in this world to make sense of things through song. Vita and the Woolf (actually Jennifer Pague, of Philadelphia and living currently in LA) are on the eve of releasing her second full-length album, Anna Ohio on August 21. - Larissa Nemeth

Read below for her incredibly open and honest answers to some of Dibs' questions and catch a glimpse inside the mind of a pretty badass chick.

Vita and The Woolf, Anna Ohio Album Cover.jpg

What was your experience in Philadelphia - what did you take with you from that experience when you left?

I had an amazing experience in Philly. It meant a lot being surrounded by such a supportive music community. I honestly couldn't have kept the band going without the support of my friends, other local bands, local venues, and WXPN specifically.

What drives you to create music?

Music is an outlet for me when I'm feeling down. It helps me put those weird human emotions we all experience, into a body of work I can listen back to. When I'm feeling sad and lonely, there's no better feeling than to write a good sad ass song.

What is your earliest music memory?

My nanna had a piano in her house, so the first thing I would do once we got there was to hop on the piano and push down on the keys. She would sit with me and play songs while I accompanied her. My grandmother also played piano and I adored watching her play. She's an amazing piano player to this day.

What song of yours means the most to you?

That's a really good question. I think Confetti is really meaningful because I was really honest lyrically in the song. I try to stay away from being very literal but I decided to go against that rule.

What is your favorite song to perform live? 

Operator. I really like the steady groove of that song and it's just fun to play - probably because I don't have to sing really high belty vocal parts.

How has the current pandemic situation with COVID-19 impacted your process?

To be completely frank with you, I haven't written any new music. I'm pretty burnt out and unsure of where the music industry will go in the next 5 years. It's really scary especially when you've spent so many years working towards putting out a new record only to find out you can't tour while on record cycle.

What does “Anna Ohio” mean?

Anna Ohio is a fictional character who grew up in a mall in a small town in Ohio. She worked at Auntie Anne's Pretzels.

What makes you most excited about the new album?

Just having it out in the world. I've worked really hard on this piece of music and it represents a pretty intense time in my life. It's extremely personal and I tried to be very sincere in the writing.

You are a prolific music-video maker. Why are you drawn to this form of expression with your songs when many other artists have abandoned it?

I actually think music videos are becoming more and more important in the music industry. Especially with the continued rise of youtube. Visual media is very important. I like being able to potentially tell an alternative story to the song as well.

What was your experience coming up as a musician- any advice to those passionate about the craft and want to pursue it as a career?

You have to really be passionate about doing music. It's a fun ride, but there are a lot of ups and downs and there's a lot of competition. Also, the music industry is swiftly shifting due to COVID. I'm interested to see where technology goes as far as live streaming and being able to perform live.

What is your dream collaboration with a musician (living or otherwise)?

If I could write a song with Thom York, I would probably be a very content human afterwards.

What would you be if NOT a musician?

I've actually been considering becoming an Airbnb host. I think it would be fun to buy a property, decorate, brand, and meet people from all over. I have a lot of experience subletting my room/apartment because of touring, haha.

Check Vita and the Woolf ‘s Website

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